External Links
Rapid Response are not responsible for the content on external links but items we found useful to varying degrees over time are shared below for your consideration;
Video and Broadcast Channels;
Liquidisation: buymeacoffee.com/banaman
X/Twitter: x.com/BanamanNews
Facebook: facebook.com/Banaman-106004102161414
Bitchute: bitchute.com/channel/9tsjvSgzb5zn
Liverpool TPR
The People's Resistance:
English Law and The English Constitution
The English Constitution and why we need it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sUGEEXXSJs
The People Govern their Country through the Jury: www.CommonLawConstitution.org
English Constitution Society: https://englishconstitutionparty.com/
Information on Natural Law and the esoteric foundations of our Constitution: www.LawAndAlchemy.org
The British Constitution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJoB8xcP1l8
Kenn d’Oudney’s eye opening research on democracy and the constitution: https://www.democracydefined.org
The New Chartist Movement discuss restoring the rule of law to the British people: The_Winchester_Declaration Download
The history of our constitutional crisis. The High Treason committed by the Heath administration in joining the EEC in 1973 and Article 61 invoked by 63 Barons:
Denounce-the-Deception-the-Constitutional-Crisis-and-the-Solution Download
Alan of Salisbury – An Introduction to The Occult Art of Law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvUzrC6x-bw
David Robinson – Practical Lawful Dissent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=FSjzRIXFwcE
The ancient Molmutine Laws are the basis of English common law: The-Molmutine-Laws-1 Download
Smoke & Mirrors: The history of law, how it has been subverted, and using it to hold government to account: https://www.edward-fitzgerald.com/smoke-and-mirrors
Trusts and Trust Law
The Sovereign Trust: https://thesovereigntrust.net/ - Trusts are deemed to be expensive and complicate but in reality anyone can set up a Trust if they understand how, this site explains how and has all the necessary templates to be able to learn about and form your own Trust/s
Farming Links:
Farmers to Action:
People's Food & Farming Association: https://www.the-PFFA.org
Protecting rights and assets for communities nationwide.
Rapid Response Main Chat Group: https://t.me/RRChatGroup
Telegram Application: https://telegram.org/
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