Helping Police Constables, do their Duty, to Uphold The Law.
(Farmers/Farming Reference Sheet) #GuardTheGate
Police Constables Uphold The Law (Uphold your Rights & The English Common Law)
Police Officers Enforce Government Policy (Enforce Legislation/Legal Acts)
The Public are only contracted under The English Common Law, to assist Constables with upholding the Law, in the same way the Farmers do for Common Law Rights across the land, this is NO different, Farmers are the daily custodians of The Common Law in today’s age, you protect it, it protects you and the people.
> DOUBLE IMPORTANT: The legal regulations & Govt Acts do not apply if they infringe or trespass on your English Common Law Rights.
Never Answer Any Questions or follow any Instructions/Orders Directly & certainly never any formally (so never give the details as they would appear on your Birth Certificate or Passport), “mum calls me Joe so you can call me Joe”, your date of birth is never necessary unless you are about to be processed as a commodity, but this is about your English Common Law Rights so we aren’t giving dates of birth out, just a casual name to address you by.
> Key Points to Note in Interaction with Police:
All Police are Constables to you, there is no rank applicable to the public. Sergeant, Inspector, Chief Commissioner etc. are all titles for internal career progression and hierarchy only, they have no bearing on the public, they are all Constables and all the same rank to us.
The only Contract is the Constable’s Oath/Promise, the only contract between the Public and the Police is to ensure there is no breach of the peace and no offence against property or rights. There is no other contract, if you haven’t breached the peace or caused an offence to anyone else you have no obligation to deal with the Constables UNLESS you consent to doing so, the consenting is the bit referred to as joinder and they will try and trick you into it if you don’t understand these pages basically.
Always ask for their Warrant Card to confirm they are Constables before anything else, instruct them to produce their warrant cards, under Section 90 of the Police Act 1996 they are duty bound to do so or they could face up to 6 months imprisonment and relieved of their duties.
The Trick Question: Do You ‘Understand’?
Every time you are asked if you understand, you don’t, you comprehend, but you do not understand (which means stand under their authority/instruction).
>Script / Role Play Example:
The following is a basic script to help you with questions the police might ask you and answers in
situations where they try to make joinder with you. It is important to note, we never really know
exactly what will be said in which order, but the core principles are universal across all Common Law nations and jurisdictions.
This is a great place to start and for you to practice with and there are some key points like Asking for the Warrant Card. And always record everything, if you operate in smaller numbers if you get body-cams they are invaluable. A phone can work but if you also need to take or make a call then it can become a hindrance to the evidence.
POLICE: we've been directed to your farm/location as there are reports/we have been informed of…
Public: Can you show me your warrant card please Constable
POLICE: I don’t’ need to show you that, you can see my collar number, I have been asked to come out as there has been a report of chickens on your farm?
Public: I would like to see your warrant card Constable, under Section 90 of the Police Act 1996 you are duty bound to produce your Warrant Card so I know you aren’t impersonating a Constable which carries a possible 6 months jail sentence. “You could be BBC Props or a Stripa-gram for all I know.”
POLICE: [Produces Warrant Card]
Public: [Record/Photo the Warrant Card clearly]
Public: Thank you Constable, now we have established that you are here on Common Law Duty, to ensure no breach of the peace and no offence against property or rights, the use of Legalese, Black's Law Dictionary and anything other than plain English is void for for all and any communications between myself and your Constabulary, now then how may I assist you in conducting your Common Law duty today?
POLICE: You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. We have had a report of Chickens on your farm which violates the new Chicken Act 2025.
Public: I do not understand, or stand under you, but I do comprehend what you are saying, so, can you please inform me of the Common Law crime, victim and evidence that you require assistance with please, or leave me to enjoy my peace and not breach it please.
POLICE: You're being awkward here! What's your name?
Public: Can I see your Court Warrant now please? Unless there is a crime I am not obliged to assist you in Government policy matters. Please let me know how I can assist you in your Duty to Uphold the Common Law, or leave me to enjoy my peace and not breach it please.
POLICE: I will have to arrest you if you do not give me your name.
Public: What Arrest Warrant do you have to arrest me with, or what law have I broken? I don’t want to have to prosecute you personally in your private capacity, for Breach of your Duty as a Constable, so please advise how I can provide aid & assistance in Upholding your Duty, or please leave me to enjoy my peace and do not breach it. This is the 3rd time of asking and you are now committing unsolicited trespass on my rights and property, politely, I am recording this, I understand our laws and rights. If you are struggling with my polite order, then I suggest you speak to the Constable you refer to as Inspector before you make decisions which will cost the Constabulary and you dearly and let him/her know that I wish to speak to them immediately if you won’t leave.
POLICE: The Chicken Act 2025 clearly states that people must not gather in groups of more
than 2 and there are clearly more than 2 people in this gathering.
Public: The Chicken Act 2025 is not actually law it is policy, moreover, it breaches my rights and property and therefore your Duty to ensure no Breach of the Peace and no offence against property or rights means your duty here is complete as this is a civil matter, not a criminal one.
As you stated it is an Act and an Act only has the force of law if I consent to it and I do not give consent to it, because it breaches my Common Law rights and my property, which in turn trespasses on my Constitutional Rights as per The Bill of Rights and 1215 Magna Carta where English Common Law stems from, as we know as we have to uphold those rights for the Public across our land.
POLICE: I don't know what you’re talking about. There is no difference between an act and a law.
You have broken the law, which is why we've been given the directive to fine or arrest people.
POLICE: I don't know about that. As far as I'm concerned, you’ve broken the law and I'm here to
uphold the law. So, either leave or I'm fining you. What's your name?
Public: if I've broken the law then what is my crime? And for a crime there has to be a victim. Show
me the victim. Or get the Constable you call inspector, I will be waiting inside and will watch you from the window, you can wave to me when he arrives. Lock/Secure Property from the Gates and return into your property/carry on with your life.
IF Inspector arrives and they don’t leave:
POLICE CONSTABLE Referred to internally as Inspector:
Hello Sir/Madam….
POLICE: we've been directed to your farm/location as there are reports/we have been informed of…
Public: Can you show me your warrant card please Constable
POLICE: I am an Inspector Sir/Madam….
Public: Thank You Constable that is nice to know, but all Police are Constables to the Public and I would like to see your warrant card please, as I am sure you know, under Section 90 of the Police Act 1996 you are duty bound to produce your Warrant Card, so I know you aren’t impersonating a Police Constable.
POLICE: [Produces Warrant Card]
Public: [Record/Photo the Warrant Card clearly]
Public: Thank you Constable, now we have established that you are here on Common Law Duty to ensure no breach of the peace and no offence against property or rights, I need you to explain to your Constable colleague why committing Legal Entrapment is a Crime under Criminal Justices Act 2015 Section 26 Sub Section 3, and also that the Crime of Utterance is a serious Common Law Crime/Offence. If you could explain this so that we can all ensure that there is no Breach of peace or offence against property or rights, our Common Law lawful rights are superior to any Policies, particularly those that breach the Bill of Rights /Constitution.
It will take a very corrupt or brave Inspector-Constable to push from here as they would be committing far greater offences in Law to what they came to pull you up on and you have the evidence and you know your rights.
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