Rapid Response Local Team Links
Empowering individuals and communities to protect their rights and assets effectively.
Rapid Response looks to empower local communities with the knowledge and resources required to uphold the law and protect their lawful rights. By using the knowledge gained on the streets and in the courts we look to use both The Law and The Legal to hold national and local government, along with it's various public and private partners to account. No one is above The Law in England and it is The People's duty to ensure this is always the case, even if the Authorities forget, grow complacent or become corrupt.
Rapid Response looks to assist people in building and networking with local people to build networks of trusted teams that can effectively and peacefully find resolution to Government Overreach and Despotism.
This ends when we unite against the overreach of what is fast emerging as a despotic Government.
You can download the Telegram/Signal Apps from the links available on the Contact Page or the External Links Page.
National / HQ Links:
Main Chat Group: t.me/RRChatGroup (http://t.me/RRChatGroup)
Call Outs Only: t.me/+hl2y7YzZUuQzZjk0
Ashford Kent - t.me/+5-a0unN1MQ9hZWE0
Barnsley – t.me/rapidresponsebarnsley (http://t.me/rapidresponsebarnsley)
Birmingham – t.me/rapidresponsebirmingham (http://t.me/rapidresponsebirmingham)
Bradford – t.me/+XF9rvq2WtpwzODg0 (http://t.me/+XF9rvq2WtpwzODg0)
Bristol – (http://t.me/+d6FVoGmsbuJhMmZk)t.me/rapidresponsebristol
Cardiff – t.me/rapidresponsecardiff (http://t.me/rapidresponsecardiff)
Cheshire – t.me/RapidResponseCheshire (http://t.me/RapidResponseCheshire)
Chester – t.me/rapidresponsechester (http://t.me/rapidresponsechester)
Cornwall – t.me/+USHwrh4Y5LA0ZTM0 (http://t.me/+USHwrh4Y5LA0ZTM0)
Coventry – t.me/RapidResponseCoventry (http://t.me/RapidResponseCoventry)
Cumbria – t.me/+UQBnVxQD39pmYzVk (http://t.me/+UQBnVxQD39pmYzVk)
Derby - https://t.me/RRDerby
Devon/SWest - https://t.me/RRDevon
Devon Cornwall Kernow - https://t.me/+OcdLtp1uQW9iNzg0
Doncaster – https://t.me/+OmdVLnJ1DkNjYTA0
Durham - https://t.me/+fluRzf0rQVtlMDg0
Eastbourne - t.me/RapidResponceEastbourne
East Surrey, Redhill, Reigate, Horley Godstone, Oxted – t.me/rres24 (http://t.me/rres24)
Essex - t.me/+BjItA7c_vx03OWZk
Grimsby - t.me/+ASCsKlFJrNU0YmJk
Hereford & 6 counties - https://t.me/d3cICq3kBP85MGFk
Huddersfield – t.me/+EtpcaWP6gqE0ZjVk (http://t.me/+EtpcaWP6gqE0ZjVk)
Hull & East Riding – t.me/RapidResponseHullEastRiding (http://t.me/RapidResponseHullEastRiding)
Lancashire – https://t.me/rapidresponselancashire
Leeds - https://t.me/+M-agts1yucJjNzc8
Leicester - https://t.me/RAPIDRESPONSELEICESTER
Lincoln - t.me/+gfs0SxpEChAwZDFk
Lincolnshire North East - t.me/+20RmhG-n7wQyMjA0
Liverpool – t.me/+NaRQXhAtNmQ1OWRk (http://t.me/+NaRQXhAtNmQ1OWRk)
London Broadcast - https://t.me/RRGreaterLondonBroadcast
London: t.me/+E8R_uwQWptllMDVk
Manchester – t.me/RRManchester (http://t.me/RRManchester)
Mansfield - https://t.me/RapidResponseMansfield
Milton Keynes – t.me/RapidMiltonKeynes (http://t.me/RapidMiltonKeynes)
Molesey, Thames Ditton, Esher, Walton, Hersham, Cobham, Guilford – t.me/+f0C9rjGjECE2MjY0 (http://t.me/+f0C9rjGjECE2MjY0)
Newcastle – t.me/NewcastleRapidResponse (http://t.me/NewcastleRapidResponse)
Nottinghamshire – t.me/RRNotts (http://t.me/RRNotts)
Norfolk, Suffolk – t.me/+b7m0V8DcZxg1Y2I0 (http://t.me/+b7m0V8DcZxg1Y2I0)
Northamptonshire – t.me/+Z82D3n3WWeo2YWQ8 (http://t.me/+Z82D3n3WWeo2YWQ8)
Pontefract – t.me/RRPontefract (http://t.me/RRPontefract)
Portsmouth – t.me/rapidresponseportsmouth (http://t.me/rapidresponseportsmouth)
Redditch (Brum) - https://t.me/rapidresponsebirmingham
Rotherham - https://t.me/+wqXdmJpNSoY1M2Vk
Sheffield – t.me/RRSheffield (http://t.me/RRSheffield)
South London – t.me/rapidresponsesutton (http://t.me/rapidresponsesutton)
Staffordshire – t.me/RapidResponseStaffordshire (http://t.me/RapidResponseStaffordshire)
Stoke On Trent - t.me/+G4SZwW6-ZZQzM2Q0
Tamworth – t.me/RapidResponseTamworth (http://t.me/RapidResponseTamworth)
Teeside – t.me/RapidResponseTeeside (http://t.me/RapidResponseTeeside)
Telford – t.me/rapid_response_telford (http://t.me/rapid_response_telford)
Thanet – t.me/rapidresponsethanet (http://t.me/rapidresponsethanet)
Thames Valley – t.me/+oShVKphMXKBjOGE0 (http://t.me/+oShVKphMXKBjOGE0)
Warwickshire - http://t.me/rapidresponcewarwickshire
Warrington, Widnes, Runcorn – t.me/+xBzFKzuJ20s2NDRk
Wirral – t.me/rapidresponsewirral (http://t.me/rapidresponsewirral)
Wiltshire - https://t.me/+7pIYUQzn7EtiYTE8
Wolverhampton – t.me/rapidresponsewolverhampton (http://t.me/rapidresponsewolverhampton)
York - t.me/+bzjpjD43ny4wYWY8
Edinburgh - https://t.me/+Dj4fLDenUQ9kNDA0
RR Ireland - https://t.me/rapidresponseireland
Is your local area not here? Create a Telegram channel and send the link in the Main Chat Group and it will be added here.

Protecting rights and assets for communities nationwide.
Rapid Response Main Chat Group: https://t.me/RRChatGroup
Telegram Application: https://telegram.org/
© 2024. All Rights Reserved, None Waived Ever.